Learn more about Tennessee Williams' New Orleans as shown in A Streetcar Named Desire with this post by Dramaturg Kat Martin.
Exploring Dickens: The Ghost of Christmas Past
The Ghosts of Christmas are iconic characters that most everyone is familiar with on some level, even if they've never read the original text or seen a faithful adaptation. But why are these spirits imagined the way they are? Well all these questions and more we can somewhat answer, and theorize about, in these next few posts!
Exploring Dickens: The Ghost of Christmas Future
The Ghosts of Christmas are iconic characters that most everyone is familiar with on some level, even if they've never read the original text or seen a faithful adaptation. But why are these spirits imagined the way they are? Well all these questions and more we can somewhat answer, and theorize about, in these next few posts!
Exploring Dickens: The Ghost of Christmas Present
The Ghosts of Christmas are iconic characters that most everyone is familiar with on some level, even if they've never read the original text or seen a faithful adaptation. But why are these spirits imagined the way they are? Well all these questions and more we can somewhat answer, and theorize about, in these next few posts!