THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT: A review of raucous ‘Little Shop of Horrors,’ out for blood

THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT: A review of raucous ‘Little Shop of Horrors,’ out for blood

Contrary to some who complain that theater has gotten too political (theater, of course, has always been political), Virginia Stage Company‘s “Little Shop of Horrors” is merely, in the words of director Tom Quaintance, an innocent “horror comedy rock musical” designed to lull audiences into a plant-like stupor …

Diving Deeper | Doo-Wop, Drama, and a Dash of Horror: The Musical DNA of Little Shop of Horrors

Diving Deeper | Doo-Wop, Drama, and a Dash of Horror: The Musical DNA of Little Shop of Horrors

In Little Shop of Horrors, the musical stylings reflect the era and themes of the story, blending various genres. Set in a nostalgic 1960s atmosphere, the musical incorporates elements of doo-wop, rhythm and blues, and Broadway show tunes.

Diving Deeper | LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS: Science Fiction, Satire, and the Cult of the Killer Plant

Diving Deeper | LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS: Science Fiction, Satire, and the Cult of the Killer Plant

Little  Shop  of  Horrors  began  as  a  1960  B-movie  directed  by  Roger  Corman,  written  by  Charles  B.  Griffith.  The  low-budget  film  became  a  cult  classic  due  to  its  quirky  characters,  over-the-top performances, and campy charm, setting the stage for future adaptations.