Diving Deeper

ARSENIC & OLD LACE | Diving Deeper: Why Now?

ARSENIC & OLD LACE | Diving Deeper: Why Now?

As we navigate the complex social and political landscape of 2024, it’s striking to see how many issues echo the post-World War II era. The post-WWII period was marked by a search for stability and identity in a world reshaped by conflict, leading to significant advancements in civil rights, gender equality, and international relations.

Director Thomas W. Jones on the setting of DETROIT '67

Director Thomas W. Jones on the setting of DETROIT '67

“There were new manufacturing jobs in Detroit, and with that came people moving out of apartment-like and project-like homes into two-story and one-story homes. With a home came a space called “a basement”, which for Black middle-class life (and for my life growing up) was a repository of dreams. It was a place where you went to imagine …”