Mark Shanahan has a knack for reimagining beloved stories, transforming them into theatrical experiences brimming with heart, humor, and ingenuity. As the playwright of A Merry Little Christmas Carol and A Sherlock Carol, Shanahan combines his love for classic literature with his talent for …
A Holiday in Rep - What Does That Mean?
Outwire Podcast | VA Stage’s Dracula cast members talk turning the classic story on its head, and how fun it can be.
Virginian Pilot | ‘Dracula, A Feminist Revenge Fantasy, Really’ sticks it to The Man
Playwright Kate Hamill (well-aided and abetted by director Melissa Mowry) has taken lucrative liberties with Stoker’s “Dracula,” just as she has with other out-of-copyright classics such as Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility,” “Pride and Prejudice” and “Emma.” Besides gender and nationality-switching key characters such as Van Helsing, Hamill has openly attacked paternalism on all fronts. This VSC production features, for example, an “all-female” creative team (with one nonbinary person, as Mowry specifies). In her playbill notes, Mowry calls this production “a labor of love and rage,” the rage directed against the degradation of women by men legally empowered to suck their life’s blood from them.
Domestic Violence Resources
CoastLive | It's a Classic Tale with a Modern Twist...DRACULA at The Wells
DRACULA Partners with "Paint Pink"
We are thrilled to announce that the Virginia Stage Company contributed $1,000 to Paint Pink during the October 18th performance of Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy, Really. This generous donation not only highlights the company’s commitment to supporting vital causes but also honors the incredible work of Paint Pink’s founder, Kim Keene.
Paint Pink is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and empowering those affected by the disease. The funds raised will help support initiatives that provide education, resources, and support to individuals and families navigating the challenges of breast cancer.
The intersection of art and activism is beautifully embodied in this collaboration. As audiences gathered to enjoy a thought-provoking performance, they were also reminded of the power of community and the impact of giving back. This production celebrates women and shines light on challenges that they face. Supporting Paint Pink is the perfect complement to that.
We are grateful to our audiences and supporters for making this important contribution possible. Together, we can continue to foster awareness and create change, one performance at a time. Let’s keep the momentum going!